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2019 XI'AN TED Conference

Global Events

WCG 2019 XI'AN TED Conference

Global Events

Project Background

WCG, the world’s first esports Olympics, has returned to Xian, China in 2019 after 6 years of absence. ‘A game festival that all can enjoy’ is the new motto of the returning WCG brand. We prepare not only a game tournament, but a space where video game and esports industry leaders can exchange knowledge and discuss trends about the community and the industry itself. From market trends and global developments in the esports industry to a shift in demands from international audiences as well as new and emerging esports regions, the conference revolved around a variety of topics that shed light onto many areas of the thriving esports industry. The conference provided not only a space for experts to share and discuss their opinions and research, but also gave industry professionals an open place to network. We also included a TED talk in our lineup, consisting of discussions revolving around video games and other related programs.

WCG TED / eSports Conference.
- Date: 2019.07.18 ~ 07.19
- Speakers: 16 speakers (Conference 11 + TED 5)
- Venue: Xi’an Qujiang International conference Center
- Program: An eSports Conference, a TED Talk in partnership with WCG, and a Premium Networking Party

Our Solution

Eidetic Marketing proceeded with strategic space design, construction, and effective operations of the WCG eSports Conference. An emphasis was placed on consistently carrying out the WCG brand from the tournament event space to the conference program. Eidetic designed the TED Talk and eSports conference Key Visuals and other design aspects to accurately follow the WCG brand identity.

- Over 300 attendees, with 15 sessions held
- Effective utilization of venue for presentations and networking
- Key visual design to high quality fabrications
- Efficient operational management