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TUCSON World Premiere Campaign

Global Events / Influencer Marketing

Hyundai Motors Group TUCSON World Premiere Campaign

Global Events / Influencer Marketing

Project Background

HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY is an automobile manufacturer and distributor founded in 1967. In 2020, HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY, planned to have a world premiere in NAIAS to roll out its new CSUV Tucson. Although sales of the existing 3rd generation Tucson were expanding, Compact Sports Utility Vehicles have still held an ambiguous position in the automotive industry.

HYUNDAI MOTORS COMPANY aimed to change that by making their CSUV a more competitive and attractive choice for consumers looking for an option between a regular SUV and sedan. They planned a successful world premiere for their brand new model whether or not NAIAS would be a go, due to the COVID-19 outbreak that same year with the assistance of Eidetic.

Related Keywords
#Branding Marketing #Experiential Marketing #Event Marketing #Marketing Consulting #Global Event #Global Branding #Global PR #Global Experience Marketing

Executed Region
#Korea, Seoul

Our Solution

EIDETIC designed a two-track, on/off-line integrated world premiere which would be adaptable to whatever the outcome of NAIAS 2020. To make a world premiere campaign that attracted target customers and induced voluntary participation, we conducted the ‘#Relay My Way’ Campaign which was carried out with influencers. We planned to express the charm of Tucson through their own voices.

The influencers were strictly selected to attest to the claims of not the manufacturer’s insights but that of target customers. Merchandise and personalized gifts were given to each influencer as a welcome kit such as eco-friendly vinyl bags to campers and embroidered emblem patches to hikers. Then, from West Arizona through California, influencers drove and tested the new Tucson. We induced interactive communications on social events for social proliferation on their various lifestyles, catching every vibe influencers got on their journey in the Campaign.

- Event Marketing Planning
- Creative Strategy & Design
- Influencer Mapping
- Social Media Strategy & Amplification